Power electronics is the engineering study of converting electrical power from one form to another at a world-wide average rate of 12 billion kilo-watts every hour of every day of every year.
More than 40% of the power generated is being recycled through some form of power electronic systems and it may reach up to 80% by 2010. A lot of energy is wasted during this power conversion process due to low power conversion efficiency. It is estimated that, with the effective use of cost-effective power electronics technology, the world could see a 35% reduction in energy consumption.
DSAT , being the trusted Scientific solution provider, we are committed to provide customized equipment that tailored for specific Power Electronics Research applications and Testing needs.
Thanks to our dedicated team of specialist engineers, we shall guarantee you professional support in selection of right tools for the best of your satisfaction.
Power electronics and power systems research is seeking new tools and techniques for improving grid efficiency and robustness and DSAT can be your single source solution and best choice for the right partnership.
DSAT is simultaneously focused in Academic, Research & Development and also the Industrial Testing segments.