Raman Microscopes

HORIBA Scientific’s fully automated Raman microscopes allow fast non-destructive chemical micro-analysis and automated high definition Raman chemical imaging.

A Raman microscope is used in many varied applications, including characterization of graphene/CNT materials, pharmaceutics, forensics, geology, materials and life science – full details can be found in the applications section of this site.


Transmission Raman

Transmission Raman AccessoryThe Transmission Raman accessory is available for most of the HORIBA range of Raman microscope systems. It enables Transmission Raman spectroscopy to be undertaken in a simple and efficient format - all upon the standard Raman microscope. It provides a cost effective access to a technique ideally suited to bulk chemical analysis of opaque samples, including powders and tablets.


True bulk analysis via transmission Raman


Transmission Raman is based on the collection of Raman light propagating through the sample in the direction of the excitation laser – in essence, the sample is illuminated with the excitation laser from one side, and the Raman signal is collected from the other. Unlike its more traditional back-scattering counterpart which is vastly predominant in most dispersive Raman systems, the transmission configuration allows analysis of the full volume through which the light travels, even for opaque samples.




The Transmission Raman Accessory provides fast, reliable information about:

  • API concentration
  • Polymorphs analysis
  • Crystallinity
  • Powder composition and purity
  • Content uniformity
  • Solid form


Easy measurements with no sample preparation

As in classical Raman spectroscopy, transmission Raman is non-contact, non-invasive and non-destructive. It requires no sample preparation. Importantly, the measurement is insensitive to particle-size effects, sample homogeneity and orientation.






Top: Transmission Raman spectra from four tablets with varying API dosage (where percentages indicate variation relative to the standard production dosage). Bottom: plot of API peak intensity versus concentration, showing excellent linearity.

Modular and Fiber Coupled Raman

The range of modular Raman spectrometers from HORIBA Scientific allows the user to build a Raman experiment from the ground up and to undertake high performance Raman spectroscopy at a price to fit most budgets.

The rugged fiber coupled HE spectrometer is fully optimized for high throughput QC and process Raman analysis.

Customized solutions are also possible, including adaptation for specific processes such as fthe Eluxyl simulated countercurrent adsorption process for para-Xylene production.


Triple Raman Spectrometers




In recent years there has been a sharp increase in the number and form of analyses to which Raman spectroscopy has been applied. The introduction of small bench-top spectrometer systems has certainly opened up the fields of study. However, on the back of the renewed interest in the Raman technique, ever more demanding applications have arisen.

For this reason the next generation of Research grade instruments incorporate much of the cutting edge technology found in the bench-top systems, but also provide the higher performance required for samples which prove difficult or impossible to analyze with more routine instrumentation.

The T64000 system is designed to provide a versatile platform for Raman analysis. It has an integrated triple spectrometer design for unprecedented optical stability. The instrument incorporates the proven technology of the confocal LabRAM Raman microprobe. The mechanical coupling is rigid and stable. The optical coupling is efficient and throughput is limited only by theoretical considerations.



  • Double Subtractive Stage
  • Triple additive
  • Direct Single Spectrometer

High stray light rejection Holographic notch filter technology provides a very good solution to laser rejection for visible wavelengths in many applications.However, there are acknowledged limitations to the use of these filters for work close in to the laser line. Even with specially developed low frequency accessories(4) with many difficult samples it is still often impossible to obtain reliable data at 10 , 20 or 30 cm-1.In using the double subtractive configuration of the T64000, it is possible to obtain spectral information very close in to the laser line. The subtractive mode is ideal for studying such detail as LA modes in polymer systems and crystal lattice modes.

Spectrum of a proprietary SiGe material

Spectrum of a proprietary SiGe material in which it is possible to observe spectral bands down as low as 4 cm-1.Ultra high resolutionWith the use of the ultra-high resolution triple additive configuration of the T64000 triple system, it is possible to very accurately study the position of Raman bands.This is of particular importance for the measurements of stress in semiconductor materials such as GaN, SiC and diamond where stress induced shifts in the order of 0.1 cm-1 are often studied. The high resolution also offers the level of accuracy required for the authentication and certification of materials for Raman standards.Single spectrometer technologyWith the final mode of operation, the direct spectrograph entrance, the system can be used with holographic notch filter technology and as a more conventional single spectrometer based system. The high throughput of the large optical components means that it is then ideal for Raman mapping and even remote probe forms of analysis.

Raman Mapped image of Stressed Silicon interface

Raman Mapped image of Stressed Silicon interface using Single direct path operation.UV Raman SpectroscopyThe T64000 has many benefits for deep UV Raman measurements.

  • The high stray light rejection enables lower frequency Raman bands below 100cm-1 to be observed even in the deep UV (244nm). It can provide a complete spectral analysis not limited in its scope or range.
  • The tune-ability of the double filter stage enables all the various deep UV frequencies to be accessed easily, (eg. 227-290nm). Hence, optimizing resonance enhancement for particular species of components (eg. proteins from DNA).
  • The specialized UV-VIS microscope option is adapted to working over a broad spectral range, without the need of optics to be removed or replaced. It preserves the high spatial discrimination across the wavelengths. It also offers specialized UV enhanced image viewing of the sample, and all of the standard Raman mapping facilities.
  • The spectral resolution of the 640mm focal length, as with the LabRAM HR system enables Raman analysis to be maintained at a standard to high spectral resolution. The resolution of ~1.4 cm-1/pixel far improves upon the ~4 cm-1/pixel resolution of the small bench-top instrument found in the UV.


The list of applications to which the T64000 can be applied is impressive including, thin films, solid state devices, biological chemistry and techniques such as UV, resonance Raman, PL and laser fluorescence.In Summary, for demanding applications and work which requires high laser rejection, high spectral resolution and the obvious advantages of a continuously variable laser filter, the triple spectrometer system is an invaluable tool. With the introduction of the latest technology from the smaller bench-top systems it can also be applied to more general routine analysis. The T64000 heralds a new era for new and more versatile high grade research Raman instrumentation. 


Focal length

640mm, all stages



Dispersion** Additive triple

0.23 nm/mm

Dispersion** Single (direct or subtractive double)

0.7 nm/mm


76 x 76 mm2; selection from over 50 gratings including the patented PAC gratings

Drive mechanism

Sine bar

Step Size*

0.00066 nm

Mechanical range*

0 to 1000 nm (and above)


0 to 2 mm wide; 0.5,1.,2.5,5,15 mm high

(subtractive intermediate)

0 to 50 mm wide; 0 to 15 mm high

(spectrograph entrance)

0 to 25 mm wide, 0 to 15 mm high

Spectrograph port

25 - 30 mm clear aperture

*Based on 1800 gr.mm gratings, **dependant upon wavelength

Spectral Resolution and Coverage



Single (direct or double filter stage)

Additive Triple

Grating (gr/mm)

Mechanical Range

CCD Coverage (1")**

CCD Coverage (1")**


0-6000 nm

133 nm

38.0 nm


0-3000 nm

62 nm

21.0 nm


0-1500 nm

30 nm

9.1 nm


0-1000 nm

17 nm

5.7 nm


0-750 nm

11 nm

4.1 nm


0-500 nm

6 nm

2.0 nm


** 1 nm corresponds to ca.

100 cm-1 at 320 nm

40 cm-1 at500 nm

15 cm-1 at 750 nm


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OEM Miniature Raman


HORIBA Scientific supplies a complete range of miniature Raman systems and components for OEM industrial applications ranging from pharmaceutical and medical ones to forensic and security, semiconductor and other high volume industries.

Mini spectrometer + 785nm laser + probe

All fiber optic coupled

High volumes of miniaturized Raman spectrometers can be manufactured with great affordability.

We only quote for OEM volumes starting around 50-100/year, and do not design and prototype miniaturized and customized Raman spectrometers, probes and lasers for one off production and single users.

Miniature Raman spectrometers are available with uncooled CCDs (Sony ILX-511B, S9840, S11071 and S10420) and TE cooled low cost CCDs (E2V CCD-30, S7031) and more high end E2V CCDs.

The range covered by our mini spectrometers and compact Raman probes cover 200-400cm-1 up to 1800-3500 cm-1. Our OEM engineering is focused on providing customized systems.

Our OEM laser solutions come with TE cooling and built-in wavelength stabilization, at 532, 660 and 785nm (more on request) and range in power from 50mW to 350mW (or more for challenging detection limits).

For one-off system purchases, please consider our standard Raman systems or customisable modular Raman systems.

For further information and quotation on prototypes and volume please visit our OEM Miniature Raman webpages.

Amazing size for Miniature Raman spectrometer : about 64 x 89 x 32mm



The XploRA ONE™ is the highly versatile, yet easy to use, Raman microscope targeted at the industrial and routine analytical sector.  It combines optical microscopy, with sensitive Raman analysis in a “ONE shot “ analysis concept.  Raman has never been so easy and yet so powerful in the Analytical Lab.

The XploRA ONE™ offers simplicity in design and operation so that the analyst can focus on the sample measurements and routine analysis that is important, obtaining results not just spectra.

It provides class leading sensitivity and confocal detail, full optical microscopy and even has options for HORIBA’s innovative SWIFT™ Raman chemical imaging, yet requires minimal operator training and maintenance. The XploRA ONE™ philosophy ensures that Raman has become an even more accessible analytical technique.

Ideal for applications driven measurements:

  • QA/QC analysis
  • Raw material validation
  • Forensic routine analysis
  • Pharmaceutical testing
  • Routine inspection


The XploRA ONE™ is the highly versatile Raman microscope that combines ease of use with functionality and performance for the analytical lab:

  • Non-destructive testing and analysis
  • No sample preparation
  • Ideal for chemical analysis and identification
  • Spectral databases – for simple interpretation of results
  • Automate your Raman analysis– with user defined measurement methods
  • Auto-calibration software– ensures your data is always accurate
  • Affordable entry into full confocal performance– up to 1µm XY resolution
  • Upgradeable to SWIFT fast confocal Raman imaging
  • 532nm or 785nm high brightness CLS lasers for optimal results
  • Higher sensitivity for speed and improved limits of detection
  • Single “one-shot” data acquisition for the full Raman range
  • Automated particle location and chemical ID with ParticleFinder
  • Suitable for high throughput screening measurements with MultiWell module.

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Raman imaging has never been so fast!

Incorporating unique and powerful functions in a reliable, high performance system, ideally suited to the research and analytical lab, the XploRA PLUS is our best multi-sample, multi-user Raman microscope ever.

It is fully confocal, not compromising image quality, spatial or depth resolution. The SWIFT Fast Raman images are the fastest fully confocal Raman images available, typically 10x faster than conventional Raman imaging.

The simplicity and power of the XploRA PLUS is unmatched with an enhanced range of options such as multiple laser wavelengths, EMCCD detection, Raman polarisation and even Raman-AFM combination.


  • SWIFTTM 10x faster Raman imaging
  • Improved detection and sensitivity
  • Full Confocality  for complete image detail
  • Full optical microscope so you can see your samples
  • Maximum detail, resolution and range for enhanced spectroscopy
  • HORIBA’s OneClick easy Raman analysis
  • NIST traceable and patented Autocalibration options for validated results
  • Ultimate optical stability- robust, reliable, long term operation
  • Automated operation offering simple, powerful reliability
  • 2 year base unit warranty as standard

Future-proof Expansion

  • Compatible with atomic force microscopes for combined Raman-AFM and TERS (Tip Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy)
  • Multiple laser wavelengths – ensures optimal results and minimised fluorescence interference from the widest range of sample types
  • Full system automation with software control and intuitive operation – non-expert operators can get results fast
  • Comprehensive Raman spectral libraries for fast Raman chemical identification
  • Automated particle location and chemical ID with ParticleFinder
  • Suitable for high throughput screening measurements with MultiWell module.

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LabRAM HR Evolution

The LabRAM HR Evolution Raman microscopes are ideally suited for both micro and macro measurements, and offer advanced confocal imaging capabilities in 2D and 3D. The true confocal Raman microscope enables the most detailed images and analyses to be obtained with speed and confidence. With guaranteed high performance and intuitive simplicity, the LabRAM HR Evolution is the ultimate instrument for Raman spectroscopy.  They are widely used for standard Raman analysis, photoluminescence (PL), tip enhanced Raman scattering (TERS) and other hybrid methods.


  • High spatial and spectral resolutions
  • UV to NIR
  • Ease of use and ergonomy
  • Ultra-Fast confocal imaging
  • Raman-AFM and TERS compatible
  • Ultra-Low Frequency
  • Automated particle location and chemical ID
  • Finding the best conditions for sample analysis
  • CaptuR laser trapping

High spatial and spectral resolutions
HORIBA Scientific’s optimized design results in the most sensitive instruments on the market, with high throughput diffraction limited spatial resolution. Spectrally, the high resolution spectrometer allows subtle sample information such as crystallinity, polymorphism, strain and other band analysis to be characterized with ease.

Cover your sample from UV to NIR
Compatibility with a wide range of laser wavelengths and the possibility of mounting up to three detectors enables the measurement wavelength range to be extended from 200nm to 2100nm. The optimized UV configuration offers the best solution for UV Raman analysis with wavelengths below 400nm. Such performance opens up other spectroscopic techniques such as UV Raman, resonance Raman and photoluminescence, allowing detailed sample characterization from many varied materials.

Ease of use and ergonomy
The fully automated intelligent design of the LabRAM HR Evolution ensures ultimate performance coupled with ease of use; and the LabSpec 6 software allows full benefit from the unrivalled performances of the LabRAM HR Evolution at the touch of a button.

Ultra-fast confocal imaging
The LabRAM HR Evolution includes the unique SWIFT™ and DuoScan™ fast Raman imaging technologies.
DuoScan™ is a confocal imaging mode, with high precision, ultra-fast rastering mirrors creating variable sized laser macro-spots, and also allowing nano-step mapping from deep UV to NIR.
SWIFT™ offers confocal Raman mapping with CCD integration times down to 1 ms per point and below.

The unique combination of innovative optics, detectors and software combine to provide true confocal Raman imaging with an unmatched speed of data acquisition.

Raman-AFM and TERS compatible
The integral flexibility of the LabRAM HR Evolution means that it is the ideal platform for combined Raman-AFM analysis, and research to TERS (tip enhanced Raman scattering) nano-Raman

Ultra-Low Frequency Module
The LabRAM HR Evolution combines simple access to very low frequencies down to 5cm-1 with a high throughput single stage spectrometer, using the ULF Module. The new generation of notch and bandpass filters allows additional sample characterization to be made in a spectral region rarely available with other basic spectrometers.

Automated particle location and chemical ID
ParticleFinder offers a user friendly tool for automated location, characterization and Raman analysis of particles. Hundreds or thousands of particles can be quickly located and characterized using the LabRAM HR Evolution’s advanced Raman capabilities.

Find the best conditions for the analysis of your sample
The sampling flexibility of the LabRAM HR Evolution ensures that your research can be fully optimized. Standardly equipped with the upright microscope, an open-space microscope can be installed giving you free space under the objective to adapt numerous accessories like large cryostats, broad travel range stages…  For life science research, the inverted microscope offers ideal sampling for cells and tissues.

CaptuR laser trapping
A unique and integrated laser trapping solution ideal for fine particle control during microscopic analysis.

Furthermore, the Transmission Raman accessory can be easily installed on the LabRAM HR Evolution for bulk analysis of opaque/turbid materials; and the SuperHead probes enable in-situ monitoring of reactions or remote analysis.

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The XploRA INV combines the exclusive automation features and small footprint of the standard XploRA™ Raman microscope with the unique sampling capabilities of an inverted microscope, especially important for demanding biological applications. These applications include:

In addition, the inverted geometry allows easy incorporation of AFM units for combined Raman-AFM and TERS (Tip Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy) for highest spatial resolution sample visualisation.

The open structure of the XploRA INV also permits the use of virtually all options and add-ons for inverted microscopes, including micro manipulators and “optical tweezers”, specific enclosures for cell applications, etc.

XploRA INV sample stage equipped with micro-injector
XploRA INV sample stage equipped with micro-injector

The XploRA INV also offers the option to integrate the unique scanning capabilities of HORIBA’s patented DuoScan for rapid spectroscopic multichannel Raman imaging, as well as the new 3D FCI (Fast Confocal Imaging) module, which allows ultra-fast fluorescence imaging for visualisation and verification.

White light imagefluorescence FCI imagehyperspectral fluorescence image

White light image (left), fluorescence FCI image (center) and hyperspectral fluorescence image (right) images of a bovine embryo after staining with Nile Red, acquired on the XploRA INV.  The hyperspectral image illustrates the stain in different polarity states.  Data courtesy of Prof. Igor Chourpa, Université de Tours, France.


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XP Examina



The XploRA Examina™ is the highly versatile, yet easy to use Raman microscope targeted at the Forensic analytical sector.  It combines optical microscopy, with sensitive Raman analysis in a “ONE shot “analysis concept.  Raman has never been so easy and yet so powerful in the Forensic Lab.

The XploRA Examina™ offers simplicity in design and operation so that the Forensic analyst can focus on the sample measurements and routine analysis that is important, obtaining results not just spectra.

It provides class leading sensitivity and confocal detail, full optical microscopy yet requires only minimal operator training and maintenance. With HORIBA’s innovative SWIFT™ Raman chemical imaging system and KIA database as standard the Examina™ is ideally matched to the needs of the busy Forensic Laboratory. The XploRA Examina™ philosophy ensures that Raman has become an even more accessible analytical technique for the Forensic analyst.


The XploRA Examina™ is available in 2 options; the XploRA Examina One™ and the XploRA Examina Plus™, these systems are based on the renown and extremely well tested XploRA ONE and XploRA Plus™ Raman Microscope systems but they have been configured to perfectly match the requirements of Forensic examinations. The XploRA Raman Microscopes have an excellent reputation as highly versatile Raman microscope that combine ease of use with functionality and performance for the analytical lab.

The main features of the two systems are:

  • XploRA Examina One™

  • XploRA Examina Plus™

Raman in Forensic

Raman is an ideal technique for Forensic science offering high quality data, reliability and significant speed advantages over other analytical techniques. Benefits for the analysis of trace samples not only include the range of samples that can be analysed but also in the non-destructive nature of the analysis. Raman microscopy enables easier comparative analysis, unknown chemical identification and improved value for money.

Microsope Image of 3 white fibres

Raman spectroscopic analysis gives chemical "fingerprint" identification of fibres, paint chips, explosives, GSR, Inks and narcotics/controlled drugs - virtually all types of trace analysis. Whereas Raman chemical imaging gives the ability to chemically image a sample to see layers, optical section samples, and to see sample homogeneity or contaminants.

Colour coded Raman image of a tablet
Colour coded Raman image of a tablet highlighting the spatial distribution of the various chemical components

The full confocal sensitivity of the  XploRA Examina™ enables sub-micron scale particles to be isolated from the background and analysed, whilst HORIBA's unique SWIFT Fast Raman imaging enables sample regions of interest to be spectroscopically located and analysed. Minimal sample preparation and ease of in-situ analysis is ideal for the measurement of unknown and potentially hazardous samples

With more than 5000 samples in the optional spectral databases and additional commercial databases available, Raman identification becomes easy and reliable. An advanced Mixture analysis module can cope with complex mixture of powders and liquid samples, whilst functional group analysis can help identify important “chemical markers”.

Benefits of Raman XploRA Examina™


  • NIST traceable calibration standards and Standard “SOP”’s
  • Patented autocalibration (focus free, ASTM, NIST traceable) ensures data is always correctly validated and its precision assured
  • CFR 21 electronic records optional module provides data logging and authenticity

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Modular Raman

A range of spectrometers are available for integrating into your own Raman experiment, with focal lengths and resolutions to suit all requirements – ranging from 140mm to 550mm and above.  Thus whether the application is for routine screening, fluorescence and PL mapping, or detailed high resolution Raman research, the spectrometer to match is available.  All can be combined with HORIBA's own range of dedicated Raman sampling options to provide a complete Raman spectroscopy system with either a confocal fiber-microscope or fiber-optic sampling probe.

HE Spectrograph


High efficiency dedicated process Raman analyzer for rugged and robust Raman monitoring.

HE Raman Process Analyzer 
The HE high efficiency Raman process analyzers have been developed to provide an advanced and robust performance with increased reliability for process control. The compact, rugged construction with no internal moving parts is perfectly adapted to demanding industrial environments. The analyzer has been designed to function with low maintenance, minimal downtime and little operator training.Specially developed concave holographic gratings provide unsurpassed sensitivity and total spectral coverage over the common Raman range. The HE high efficiency Raman process analyzer obtains spectral information from the sample via a fiber optic probe. A single HE system can obtain multiplexed information from up to 4 fiber probes simultaneously.The HE high efficiency Raman process analyzer is available in different configurations including :
  • HE 532 - 532 nm laser
  • HE 633 - 633 nm laser
  • HE 785 - 785 nm laser
The Industrial user benefits from faster sample analysis - at a lower capital cost.The HE Compact Industrial Raman Spectrograph

HE Compact Industrial Raman Spectrograph

SuperHead Fiber Probes

Immersion Pro Probe

Each SuperHead probe is connected to an excitation laser source and base Raman analyzer by fiber optic cables. Its rugged and robust construction means that it is suitable for a wide range of applications including true industrial reaction monitoring. It incorporates state-of-the art technology to provide the user with a fast and efficient tool for Raman analysis.

With the optional colour camera the SuperHead can function as a micro-sampling head, allowing the user to locate a precise region of interest prior to analysis.  Piezo controlled focusing ensures optimised signal levels.  The Confocal SuperHead goes one step further, offering true confocal performance for the ultimate depth resolution, allowing individual layers to be distinguished, and interfering substrates to be ignored.


  • Compact design
  • Integrated colour video camera for sample and laser spot viewing
  • Confocal optics for optimised depth resolution
  • Immersion and stand off probes
  • High pressure/temperature probes
  • Manufactured from chemically resistant materials (e.g., Hastelloy) for use in aggressive environments

Fiber Microscope

Fiber Microscope

The remote fiber coupled Raman microscope from HORIBA Scientific provides a unique facility for microscopic Raman, photoluminescence (PL) and fluorescence analysis. Ideal for complementing existing instrumentation or for analysis in restricted environments such as fume cupboards and clean rooms, the fiber microscope offers full micro-analytical functions in a simple and cost effective way. Compatible with the latest generation of automated software and mapping accessories, routine Raman ´chemical´ maps , PL plots, and laser induced fluorescence images can be produced to characterize material composition and distribution.

The low level entry optics on the fiber-microscope enable easy fibre or direct coupling to both spectrometer and laser sources.

When combined with longer focal length spectrometers the potential for high resolution Raman and photo luminescence (PL) microscopy is impressive.


  • Multiple Laser operation
  • Confocal discrimination
  • Polarization accessories
  • Fibre-optic or direct coupling
  • Digital image capture
  • Rugged construction
  • Automated mapping operation
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